Looking for course syllabi from previous academic years?
If you need to provide another institution with a detailed course syllabus for Indigenous Studies courses, you can find them here. Use this directory to access PDFs of course syllabi from previous years. They are sorted by academic year, then by semester, and then listed by course name and instructor. If you are looking for course syllabi for math or English upgrading or Building Employment Success for Tomorrow (BEST) courses, please visit the School of Access Course Syllabi page.
Course Syllabus Archives
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Name | Size |
ist-112-x01-todd-ormiston.pdf | 30.8 KB |
ist-117-02-todd-ormiston.pdf | 65.3 KB |
ist-204-01-dianne-biin.pdf | 117.9 KB |
ist-212-x01-todd-ormiston.pdf | 68.6 KB |